Save big with a worry-free security service, where our security experts periodically scan your website for any security gaps. This periodical search ensures you and your business assets are protected against constant hackers' attacks or any other malicious cyber activity that affects your business. Keep your business safe knowing you and your customer's information is safe, and eliminate the possibility of liability fines from FTC or your customers (see our News section).
We will scan your website every four months and send you a web security report indicating if you need to reinforce your website security.
Website Security Audit yearly subscription
Website Security Audit is designed to verify your website security constantly. In doing this, you ensure your website can block hackers’ attempts to steal your customer credit card information or make your website unavailable. As the Internet is an open cyber war, with new threats emerging daily, having your website security checked at least 2-4 times a year is critical in keeping your business safe. Check our Yearly Website Security Audit package.
The Website Security Audit provides a remote scan of your website with our specialized tools, performed by one of our IT security specialists. The Web Security scan usually takes up to 12 hours. Your website is thoroughly checked by trillions of predefined tests against known cyber threats and against software security gaps. Based on the results, we build a report with the security gaps found in your website and advise if you need to take action to restore the website's security or if your website is properly secured. The Web Security Report will be sent to your attention by email every two months.