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Evergreen Smart UPS Program

Discover the simplicity of Evergreen Smart UPS power.

You'll never need to buy a UPS replacement,

it is better than life-time warranty.


Here it is why ...


We bring this new Evergreen Smart UPS Program in response to your feedback.


In simple words we eliminate all the hassles and inconveniences of having you to deal with UPS downtime or equipment downtime due to UPS failure, UPS and batteries maintenance, UPS and batteries warranty incidents, battery failure, UPS and batteries replacing process, managing the process of UPS and batteries replacement job, scheduling resources to make it happen, lifting heavy UPS or batteries and paying unexpected and expensive bills.


We understand the need for systems to have continuous power and we provide it to critical equipment for Data Centers, IT infrastructures, 2D or 3D printers, Medical Equipment, Computers, DVRs - Security Cameras Systems, Alarm Systems, Internet Modems and Routers, Residential or Business Sump Pumps and medical systems required to sustain the heart beat of patients,  power homes or businesses to run 24/7.


We went above and beyond understanding our customer needs, investing in our customers so we can better help them grow their business, because we know how Uninterruptible Power Systems can change the world for the better while keeping our planet safe and green.


In direct response to you, we introduces services that keep you focused on your business and allows us to help you as much as you need with the entire UPS operation and management.


Here it is the Evergreen Smart UPS Program products and services:

- Unlimited UPS Replacement (UUR)

        We provide free Evergreen UPS replacement 

- Unlimited UPS Battery Replacement (UUBR)

        We provide free Evergreen battery replacement 

- UPS upgrade for up to 50% of the cost (UPSU)

         We provide up to 50% discount on any UPS upgrade.*

- UPS Managing, Monitoring and reporting (UPSM)

          We provide Hosted Monitoring Systems and Management for UPS units to enable a clear view on how your UPS is protecting your equipment, where they are geographically located and ensure they are always working within parameters.

- Historical Data Analysis that will help you schedule preventive maintenance before your equipment fails. (HDAU)

          We provide monitoring data storage and enable statistical data graphical representation, identification and notification of trends that show device service degradation or immediate failure. These features allows support teams to remedy issues before they become critical or transform into failures. Historical Data Analysis eliminates most failures, reduces power outage expenses and increases productivity.

- Wired and Wireless UPS monitoring that connects through VPN - Virtual Private Network to our CMI - Cloud Monitoring Infrastructure (WUPSM)

          We provide Wireless Monitoring for UPS units and other network equipment. Enabling direct connectivity with your equipment in minutes. We have a proprietary Wireless Monitoring System that is capable to connect to our CMS  - Cloud Monitoring Services and show all UPS parameters, including the power reading of the equipment connected, ambient temperature, battery temperature, UPS temperature, current, voltage and much more.

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